Our 19,500+ customers belong to customer groups, which include residential, commercial and industrial. Use the information below to find the rates that apply to you.
2023 Power Rates

Consumption for private residence for domestic or household use, educational institutions, businesses, retail stores and office buildings. Available in all territories served.
Character of Service
Continuous alternating current of approximately 60 hertz, single-phase, 3-wire, at a nominal service voltage of either 120/240 volts or 120/208 volts as available at the point of delivery.
Limitation of Service
All service required by customer for domestic purposes, including air conditioning or electric space heating shall be supplied through one meter. This service may not be used for other purposes.
- For a new location, the security deposit is based upon the electrical specification. The minimum security deposit for a residential customer is $500.
- Where the location is not a new one but has a history, the deposit is calculated as two times the average bill.
- After one year, if a customer applies for a review of their security deposit based on their actual energy usage and payment history, the deposit is recalculated and if applicable, any amount over $500.00 is refunded.
Fuel Charge
The actual cost of fuel used to generate electricity. This a full pass-through mechanism which generates no profit to the utility.
Temporary Service
For service required for a short period such as for construction projects, fairs, bazaars, boathouses, etc. Available in all territories served.
Character of Service
Continuous alternating current of approximately 60 hertz, single-phase, 3-wire, 100 ampere maximum, at a nominal service voltage of either 120/240 volts or 120/208 volts as available at the point of delivery.
Limitation of Service
All service required by customer shall be supplied through one meter. Such service may not be connected to any permanent electrical installation without written authorization of the Building Inspection Department of The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited.
Twice the estimated monthly bill but not less than $120.00.
Connection Charge
Customers shall pay all costs for installation and removal by the company of temporary lines or transforming equipment.
Fuel Charge
The actual cost of fuel used to generate electricity. This a full pass-through mechanism which generates no profit to the utility.
Temporary Service
For customers using electricity as an energy source in manufacturing
Night Guard Lights
Night guard lights are available in all territories served by Grand Bahama Power, where facilities are available. The lights are used for lighting private, commercial and industrial areas.
Grand Bahama Power-owned fixtures will be mounted on the existing distribution system served from overhead wires. At the company’s option and upon request by the customer, the company will provide special poles, overhead or underground wires at the customer’s expense.
Service includes energy from dusk until dawn the next morning. Full maintenance will be provided for by Grand Bahama Power.
Estimated cost of the installation and deposit of two months charge per fixture shall be paid in advance.
To request a night guard light or to have your night guard light repaired, please contact us.
For lighting, power and other purposes for commercial, light industrial, institutional, and other services exclusive of residential.
Character of Service
Continuous alternating current of approximately 60 hertz, single or 3-phase, available at standard nominal secondary service voltages in accordance with the company’s “General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service” for permanent accounts.
Limitation of Services
All service required by the customer shall be furnished by one meter to each building, premises, property, or group of properties under one ownership or management.
Security deposit quotes:
- For a new location, the security deposit is based upon the electrical specification. The minimum security deposit for a commercial customer is $800.
- Where the location is not a new one but has a history, the deposit is calculated as two times the average bill.
- After one year, if a customer applies for a review of their security deposit based on their actual energy usage and payment history, we would recalculate and if applicable, refund any amount over $800.00.
Fuel Charge
The actual cost of fuel used to generate electricity. This a full pass-through mechanism which generates no profit to the utility.
Minimum Charge
The minimum monthly charge is $45.55.
General Service Large
For customers using electricity as an energy source in manufacturing. Available where facilities of suitable voltage and adequate capacity are adjacent to the premises to be served.
Character of Service
Continuous alternating current of approximately 12,470 volts and 60 hertz, 3-phase, three or four wire.
Limitation of Service
All service required by the customer shall be furnished by one meter to each building, premises, property or group of properties under one ownership or management.
Twice the average Net Monthly Bill as estimated by the company or as thereafter ascertained.
Fuel Charge
The actual cost of fuel used to generate electricity. This a full pass-through mechanism which generates no profit to the utility.
Terms of Service
Not less than five years or as provided by contract agreement.
Special Provisions
All equipment and apparatus necessary to change the company’s primary power service to any other form required by the customer shall be furnished and maintained by the customer and the current shall be balanced on the phases of the primary circuit in a manner satisfactory to the company.
Temporary Service
For service required for a short period such as for construction projects, fairs, bazaars, boathouses, etc.
Character of Service
Continuous alternating current of approximately 60 hertz, single-phase, 3-wire, 100 ampere maximum, at a nominal service voltage of either 120/240 volts or 120/208 volts as available at the point of delivery.
Limitation of Service
All service required by customer shall be supplied through one meter. Such service may not be connected to any permanent electrical installation without written authorization of the Building Inspection Department of The Grand Bahama Port Authority, Limited.
Twice the estimated monthly bill but not less than $120.00.
Connection Charge
Customers shall pay all costs for installation and removal by the company of temporary lines or transforming equipment.
Fuel Charge
The actual cost of fuel used to generate electricity. This a full pass-through mechanism which generates no profit to the utility.
Temporary Service – Large
For temporary lighting, power and other purposes utilizing primary service for construction of large industrial and other facilities.
Character of Service
Continuous alternating current of approximately 60 hertz, single or 3-phase, available at 12,470 volts and 60 hertz, 3-phase, three or four wire for temporary accounts.
Limitation of Service
All service required by customer shall be furnished by one meter to each building, premises, property, or group of properties under one ownership or management.
Twice the average estimated monthly bill as estimated by the company or as thereafter ascertained but not less than $300.00
Connection Charge
Customers shall pay all costs for installation and removal by the company of temporary lines or transforming equipment.
Fuel Charge
The actual cost of fuel used to generate electricity. This a full pass-through mechanism which generates no profit to the utility.
Determination of Demand
The monthly maximum demand shall be the highest 15 minute integrated kilovoltampere demand determined from the company’s demand meter.
Terms of Service
Open order until terminated by 72 hours notice by customer.
Special Provision
All equipment and apparatus necessary to change the company’s power service to any other form required by the customer shall be furnished and maintained by the customer and the current shall be balanced on the phases of the service conductors in a manner satisfactory to the company.
Night Guard Lights
Night guard lights are available in all territories served by Grand Bahama Power, where facilities are available. The lights are used for lighting private, commercial and industrial areas.
Grand Bahama Power-owned fixtures will be mounted on the existing distribution system served from overhead wires. At the company’s option and upon request by the customer, the company will provide special poles, overhead or underground wires at the customer’s expense.
Service includes energy from dusk until dawn the next morning. Full maintenance will be provided for by Grand Bahama Power.
Estimated cost of the installation and deposit of two months charge per fixture shall be paid in advance.
To request a night guard light or to have your night guard light repaired please contact us.